If you’re a reader of this blog then I know that you are a person that likes to constantly improve and “level up” your healthy habits if you will.
I’m not necessarily talking about habits that will directly lead to weight loss.
These are more about the healthy habits of consistently fit people that contribute to not only their fitness but their overall healthy lifestyle.
So, since I happen to be one of those consistently fit people 🙂 I thought I’d share a few of my daily habits with you.
1. Morning Mobility – Each morning try to perform 3-5 minutes of light stretching and mobility work as soon as you get up. I’m only half joking when I say some mornings I literally roll out of bed onto the floor (my bed is on the floor) and start doing a few stretches.
Try a simple childs pose to low- cobra series. Once that warms you up a bit move into a spiderman crawl to rotation a few times.
You could also try doing a few extended time full body cat like stretches as soon as you stand up, followed by some simple forward and back bends and a few hip circles in each direction.
I know your mornings are busy but instead of lying in bed looking at your phone for 5 minutes, spend that same time taking care of your body.
2. All of the above can’t happen if I don’t stick my first habit and that is: GET UP!
No snooze button. When the alarm goes off I force myself to either sit up and put my feet on the floor or do the above-mentioned roll onto the floor it I can’t even….
What you do in the first minutes of your day will set the tone for the day.
So, if you start the day by procrastinating and making excuses for why you can’t workout or putting your self-care on the back burner, then that habit tends to follow you the rest of the day.
3. Drink Water. After hours of sleep your body is dehydrated and in need of water. Before you drink coffee, take supplements or do much of anything else, start the day with 16oz of room temperature water. If you can add fresh squeezed lemon juice to it that will give you even more benefit.
Bonus #4 (for any time of the day) PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY WHEN WORKING OUT!
Okay, okay I don’t totally mean that completely literally because probably like for you, if I’m working out alone my music and interval timer is on my phone so it’s gotta be there.
BUT, what I do mean is once it’s time to workout, it’s not the time for checking and responding to text, reading emails or checking social media notifications.
Nothing screams “I’m not serious about my fitness” more than being on the phone when you are supposed to be working out.
When it’s time to train FOCUS. It makes a BIG difference in your workouts and your results.
So there you have it. Give them a try (especially #1 and #4) and tell me what you think.