It’s late in the day and your schedule has gotten away from you.
You think “I’ll don’t have time to workout today. I’ll get it in tomorrow.”
That’s not true. Even if you are totally pressed for time it’s still important to get a daily session of movement in and I’ve got you covered.
Here is a quick segment from one of the cardio boot camp workouts we do at my Sacramento studio.
All you need is your body.
Each move is really 2-in-1. So you will keep repeating the combo for time.
You’ll do 50 seconds of work and take just 10 seconds of rest between moves. Rest 30 seconds after all 5 move and repeat.
2 rounds takes just 10 minutes, but if you have more time do another round or two.
The ab combo is meant to give you a bit of a cardiovascular break but still, adjust the work to rest ratio to fit your current fitness and/or energy level.
The point is to #justmove.
Here it is:
1 Push-up to 1 mountain jumper
4 Highs Knee & 1 Burpee
4 total Jump Lunges & 10 total Mountain Climbers
4 Crunches with feet up, legs bent (table top crunches) & 10 Bicycle Crunches
4 Prisoner Squats & 10 Pulse Squats
Make sure to do a quick warm-up no matter how pressed for time you are. 2 minutes of the 3rd move in this >>> warm-up I posted a few weeks back will get the job done.